Saturday, April 23, 2011


Today I drew a picture of a ninja. Woop-de-f***ing-doo.


I have been informed by my stalker, Jonny, that my turtles aren't turtles at all. They are tortoises.


These "tortoises" didn't like the way their government was running the place, so they REBELLED! And joined the Turtle alliance.

First they protested:

But that proved to be ineffective.


Thus, the Tortoises were honorary Turtles.

(Until next time... Muahahhahaha!)

I have no life.

I told Gracie-Gary-Peg that I would write an honorary blog in honour of the Awesome Award (Which I deserve to win). Here's the evidence:
Clicky to make biggerer.

Here goes.

Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to get through this thing we call "Life". Electric word life, it's a mighty long time, but I'm here to tell you: There's something else.

The awesome award.

And award of awesome proportions, you can always see its shininess... Day or night.

So when you call up that sink in Wellington City, you know the one, Dr. I'll Do Your Dishes For You, instead of asking him how to do the dishes, ask him how to win the Awesome Award baby, cuz in this life things are much cooler with the awesome award, this life, you'll want it all.
Yeah, the Awesome Award is pretty darn awesome. I mean, who WOULDN'T want to win the Awesome Award? It's so damn AWESOME!

So, I totally deserve to win this Awesome Award. Not only have I scared the bejeezus out of Abbie by yelling "TACOS!" REALLY loud after sneaking up on her, but I have also changed the lyrics of a song by Prince AND drawn a picture of the Awesome Award with my name on it:

Again, clicky to make biggerer.

ANYWAY, that's all from me, folks. Just a last minute thing, here's a birthday shout out to my friend Shannon Bradbury! YOU MOTHER F***ING NINJA!

Weh-bah-weh-bah-webabababa-THAT'S ALL FOLKS!


Good morning, Children. Today we are going to talk about
LOGIC Definition:
1. the science that investigated the principles governing correct or reliable inference.
2. a particular method of reasoning or argumentation: We were unable to follow his logic.
3. the system or principles of reasoning applicable to any branch of knowledge or study.
4. reason or sound judgment, as in utterances or actions: There wasn't much logic in her move.
5. convincing forcefulness; inexorable truth or persuasiveness: the irresistible logic of the facts.

Belle's Definition:
A penguin in a tuxedo.

Use in a sentence:
"A penguin in a tuxedo. That's logic for you."
"I am Spock. I like logic."
"Could somebody please tell me what 'logic' means?"

Friday, April 22, 2011


Do you liek my banner as much as you liek mudkips?!?!?!?!
My banner is cooler than mudkips because it has turtles... I liek turtles. Do you liek turtles? I do.


My good friend, Rosie Posie

Has inspired me to start blogging. I'd forgotten that I already have a blog, so I'll just continue from this one. Hurrah.

I am currently home alone, except for the cat, wishing I had asked Dad to move the TV back upstairs... F*ck it.

The holidays so far have been a total waste, and all I've done is gone to one sleepover, gone shopping, and gone to work. I work at the vet clinic. It's kind of a cool job, even though it's all cleaning, because it involves blood and puppies, but not always at the same time, which is good :D

So, I'm kind of depressed and bored because a lot of my friends are busy doing stuff and my best friend, Finn SmartArseDitchesHisBestFriendToGoOnSomeStupidTripToFranceWhyWouldYouEvenWantToGoThereAnywayItsFullOfFrenchPeople McCauley, has, as his name suggests, ditched me for France. Hurrah. Anyway, I told him to bring me back a mime and a baguette. He said he couldn't get a mime through customs, so I told him to bring me the soul of a mime. Muahaha.

I don't really know what to put in my blog. I'll just have to ramble on and on and on and on and on and then maybe watch some Red Vs Blue and talk about that, or maybe I'll do what Rosie Posie Goose is doing and draw some pictures... hmm....

Hehehe :D