Saturday, April 23, 2011

I have no life.

I told Gracie-Gary-Peg that I would write an honorary blog in honour of the Awesome Award (Which I deserve to win). Here's the evidence:
Clicky to make biggerer.

Here goes.

Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to get through this thing we call "Life". Electric word life, it's a mighty long time, but I'm here to tell you: There's something else.

The awesome award.

And award of awesome proportions, you can always see its shininess... Day or night.

So when you call up that sink in Wellington City, you know the one, Dr. I'll Do Your Dishes For You, instead of asking him how to do the dishes, ask him how to win the Awesome Award baby, cuz in this life things are much cooler with the awesome award, this life, you'll want it all.
Yeah, the Awesome Award is pretty darn awesome. I mean, who WOULDN'T want to win the Awesome Award? It's so damn AWESOME!

So, I totally deserve to win this Awesome Award. Not only have I scared the bejeezus out of Abbie by yelling "TACOS!" REALLY loud after sneaking up on her, but I have also changed the lyrics of a song by Prince AND drawn a picture of the Awesome Award with my name on it:

Again, clicky to make biggerer.

ANYWAY, that's all from me, folks. Just a last minute thing, here's a birthday shout out to my friend Shannon Bradbury! YOU MOTHER F***ING NINJA!

Weh-bah-weh-bah-webabababa-THAT'S ALL FOLKS!

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